Friday, 17 April 2015

Group work

In another recent professional studies lecture, we were asked to join into small groups and discuss together the areas of illustration we would perhaps like to work in some day. My group consisted of myself, Lauren, Lucy, Sophie, Carly and Louise.

We each discussed the various options available to us for working careers within the field, and what kinds of steps we plan to take in order to start making progress towards one we are interested in. For example when discussing Publishing with Lucy after she noted that this was an area she was interested in working, she informed us that she would like to come into contact with publishers and perhaps research the pay that she could potentially earn as a book publisher.

Sophie was more interested in exhibiting, and planned to do some primary research on this subject by perhaps visiting more exhibitions and finding some inspiration this way.
Myself and Carly discussed the idea of working for agencies some day. This could include printing for greetings cards. However having an interest in childrens book illustrations could lead to publishing.

These were just some of the things we had discussed during our group session, but overall this was a very beneficial experience to me as it gave me an opportunity to clearly sum up the pros and cons of each possible role within the industry. I think that in the future I would like to continue discussing such things with my peers, as it is definitely helpful. We were able to advise each other on things such as what steps we could take right now in order to reach our goals, and also guide each other into finding which area of the field we would like to work in by discussing eachothers style of working and way of working.

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